Our new Help Center 2.0 

Already since the release of our Help Center 1.0 it was clear. In order to support you even more with your questions and problems, we need a new Help Center. One that displays all help pages clearly and sorted. With the website update 2.0 it is finally done! - The Help Center 2.0 is here and brings a lot of changes with it. 

The most important changes

- There is a help page for every single function of the website, where the function is explained in detail. 

- There are also some new categories to our services, where we will go into more detail on individual points. 

- The design of the HelpCenter has also been revised. It remained dark, but the font and the look was adjusted a bit. 

- The news category has been removed from the help page. The news articles are displayed in the navigation. 

- There is a complete help page overview. 

View complete changelog for update v2.0 here.

Attention! There may still be bugs or content missing! - If something like that happens, please contact us the Help Center 2.0 is still very new.

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas about HelpCenter 2.0, feel free to contact us!

Category: Standard - February 05, 2023